Our vision at Serenity House of Atlanta Ministries is to be a leading organization that provides shelter, housing for people and give them a sense of hope while seeking personal growth.
Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
— Matthew 16:18
About Serenity House
How Our Program Works
At Serenity House, we offer the opportunity for our residents to safely experience the transition from higher levels of care to re-entry in the community by participating in a controlled living environment. This home is traditionally supervised by a House Manager who ensures the Transitional Living Environment offers structure and strong peer support. This program requires the resident be employed or actively seeking employment.
Serenity House offers Transitional Living programs in metro Atlanta, while in Transitional care, residents are expected to work. Our faith based outreach serves people of all races, creeds, and religions. We do not discriminate. We merely support our fellow man. Client is not a danger to self or others.
Meet with an intake coordinator to fill out the necessary paperwork and go over any important information, such as personal rights, rules and regulations, etc.
Each resident begins involvement in the program as soon as they arrive; attending all groups, meetings, and lectures.
Recommended three-six months commitment (we will consider continued commitment based on an individual).
Contact Us Today at info@Serenityhouseatl.org